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Pasteurizer machine

The pasteurizer is a device for the pasteurization of various liquids and it is one of the essential equipment for use in the food & dairy industries and all milk production centers.

 In the dairy industry, pasteurization means the removal of pathogenic microbes from milk by applying a thermal process. For this purpose, the milk is heated to a temperature of 72-75 ° C and kept at this temperature for 15-20 seconds and then cooled rapidly.

Using the “regenerative heat exchanger method” can recover the cooling energy and useful heating inside a closed cooling system, which saves energy.

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  • Ability to control by monitoring and tracking processes (recording for full traceability)
  • Ability to define, store and select multiple production processes

     Washing process (CIP)

  • Simultaneous control of Local (Touch Panel) and network communication (Network Web) and central control of Scada and Application IOS & Android application

Capacity: Design in different capacities (1000 to 30,000 liters per hour)

Equipment: tank balance, feed pump, plate heat exchangers, temperature holding chamber, booster pump, pasteurization control, temperature control sensor and positive pressure valve

Application: A device for pasteurization of various liquids and one of the essential equipment for use in food, pharmaceutical, dairy and all milk production centers